Friday, May 14, 2010

..::a little hiatus::..

I haven't been around much lately and probably won't be much for another week-ish. It's been a stressful week and only two more weeks and things should calm down. With all the change- Trever is having a hard time, The dear lady who bub volunteers with and we all love so very much - her son died - on Mothers Day. I can't think of anything worse and my heart breaks so very much for her. She is the sweetest woman I have ever known and I pray every day for her to keep strong. Please say a prayer for her. I'm trying hard to get in scrap mode but it's just not in me at the moment.

I hope you all are having a fantabulous week/weekend and hug the ones you love a little just never know when it might be the last ever hug...


  1. Very thought-provoking blog. Sometimes we take so many little things for granted, like hugs from children. We constantly get them, sometimes we even brush them off because they come hug us when we feel like we don't have time. We never stop to think that this may very well be the last hug from this child. Beautiful blog. I wish everyone would take the time to come around to your blog and read your entries. You have such an inspiring way with words!
    Annd you have been awarded a blog award.
    click here for more information & to claim the award

  2. I'll be saying a little prayer for things to get a little less stressful! I'll miss ya too!
    Kim xXx

  3. Hey sweetie, I'm soooo sorry about your friends loss. I can't imagine anything worse than out living your child, but on mothers day!!!! Oh my gosh!!! I will pray for her. Maybe Bub being around will help her through it. Just know that I'll keep her in my prayers. I hope the week levels off after the funeral. I need to call Darryl tonight too. I hope Trever is feeling better soon. Love to you all!



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